Monday, December 04, 2006

Charles B-day

Nov. 11th

Happy Happy Happy B-day Charles!!!!

Love you muchooooo.

Nov. 7th

Suth's B-day
"Happy, Happy Happy B-day!!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Real Estate Reinvented!

That's the companies' slogan . I'm With Exit Realty Center in Hendersonville, TN

Yes, I am a Real Estate Agent!!!!

It's been can of tough. There is a lot money going out. But it's been so nice to be able to help and assist other people with the buying and selling of their home. The cool thing is that besides making money, I get a sense of service when I help people that can't communicate because of the language barrier and even people that can communicate. To explain and advice and guide. To be able and allowed to represent somebody is an amazing feeling. It's not only the Ego trip (yezz haney, Jules and I have talked about ego feed my ego, feed my ego jajaja) but the sense of service and the smile on their faces. WOW that rewarding!!!


Ooops! I guess I need to spend a little more time blogging, can you tell? jajajajaja

Sunday, October 29, 2006

June 17th

We were at the Boro celebrating:) Too many things were happening that day. Lizarra played, it was the day before his little sister's wedding and it was my B-day. Which by the way I'm only 20, jajajajaja.

Later on the Bunny joined us.
Andrea y Juliet

Giachery, Holley, Juliet, Nika, Sahba, Dan

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'm Squarrelless

I missssss you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Neglected blog

Bueno, despues de tanto escuchar de como hemos abandonado nuestro blog, creo que es tiempo de hacer algo JAJAJAJA y ponerlo al día.
Charles esta en clases de Soccer y esta como loco.

Charles we Love you and we are really proud of you.

Suth ha estado viajando bastante y lo extrañamos muchisisisisisisimo pero ese ha sido su llamado en esta vida y no podemos ser egoistas tenemos que dejarlo, que realize su potencial. We love you Mucho Mucho.

Yo ya tengo mi certificado de agente de Bienes y Raices. Lo cual tengo un nuevo entendimiento y respeto por esta gente por que es mucho, AHHHH. Es mucha información y tengo la cabeza quemada.

Y finalmente estamos absorbidos totalmente con esta serie que se llama Lost. No puedo creer la obsecion hasta estoy soñando con ellos. Creo que necesito hacer una cita y ver a mi psicóloga.