Thursday, June 08, 2023

The end of a story

 It saddens me to think this day arrived. Had it coming for a long time. Thought love could save it all - but in deed - it does not. Blame on new times, media, external influences, boardom - whatever it was, it's done now. New lives, new stories will emerge, but a deep inside a void still remains.  For how long who knows, and who truly cares. All I know is that I GAVE IT ALL . It makes me feel better - a little better to believe -what prayers promise down deep or at least what I need to see; a future life - one in parallel or apart - from this rough life we are on now - an alternative path where our love runs deep and where we actually worked out. I like to believe a better version of ourselves- lives on a happy life together. To what it was, I am thankful, grateful and appreciate it as I know my heart and soul grew in ways I've never seen. I hope this will bring me peace and freedom, to also, be able meet the partner I will grow old with on this remaining life.  May we be in peace, happy and find ourselves surrounded by the love our souls need. 

June 8, 2023

Monday, April 23, 2007

To Be or not to Be

It's Funny How life takes you to different places! Not only in reality but also how your mind and perception travels, changes, molds, metamorphosises. Lately I've been thinking about all that has happen in my life and where I am today. It beats my expectations. Partially. Where I'm going? What I'm doing? Can somebody change so sudden? I guess everything is possible. I hope not to loose my perception, loose my self in vane and unreal expectations/ realities. Yeah maybe it's growing pains or maybe it's my ego suffering. Who really knows? Yeah maybe it's my Philosophic self jajajajaja. Who knows? Yeah I do know. I'm a little crazy and the world needs crazy people to be more interesting. Does it? jajajjajaja I don't have a clue. I guess the trick is to live, learn, and experience life through your own senses. I've always tried to avoid bumps on the road, tried to be perfect and missed the point. Take chances, risk something. Always try to move forward and be honest with your self. Just BE. Be your Best.

And yes my favorite quote:

"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, December 04, 2006

Charles B-day

Nov. 11th

Happy Happy Happy B-day Charles!!!!

Love you muchooooo.

Nov. 7th

Suth's B-day
"Happy, Happy Happy B-day!!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Real Estate Reinvented!

That's the companies' slogan . I'm With Exit Realty Center in Hendersonville, TN

Yes, I am a Real Estate Agent!!!!

It's been can of tough. There is a lot money going out. But it's been so nice to be able to help and assist other people with the buying and selling of their home. The cool thing is that besides making money, I get a sense of service when I help people that can't communicate because of the language barrier and even people that can communicate. To explain and advice and guide. To be able and allowed to represent somebody is an amazing feeling. It's not only the Ego trip (yezz haney, Jules and I have talked about ego feed my ego, feed my ego jajaja) but the sense of service and the smile on their faces. WOW that rewarding!!!


Ooops! I guess I need to spend a little more time blogging, can you tell? jajajajaja

Sunday, October 29, 2006

June 17th

We were at the Boro celebrating:) Too many things were happening that day. Lizarra played, it was the day before his little sister's wedding and it was my B-day. Which by the way I'm only 20, jajajajaja.

Later on the Bunny joined us.
Andrea y Juliet

Giachery, Holley, Juliet, Nika, Sahba, Dan

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'm Squarrelless

I missssss you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Neglected blog

Bueno, despues de tanto escuchar de como hemos abandonado nuestro blog, creo que es tiempo de hacer algo JAJAJAJA y ponerlo al día.
Charles esta en clases de Soccer y esta como loco.

Charles we Love you and we are really proud of you.

Suth ha estado viajando bastante y lo extrañamos muchisisisisisisimo pero ese ha sido su llamado en esta vida y no podemos ser egoistas tenemos que dejarlo, que realize su potencial. We love you Mucho Mucho.

Yo ya tengo mi certificado de agente de Bienes y Raices. Lo cual tengo un nuevo entendimiento y respeto por esta gente por que es mucho, AHHHH. Es mucha información y tengo la cabeza quemada.

Y finalmente estamos absorbidos totalmente con esta serie que se llama Lost. No puedo creer la obsecion hasta estoy soñando con ellos. Creo que necesito hacer una cita y ver a mi psicóloga.